Next Fall on September 15 – 19, 2025 there is the 9th. international conference on “Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering and Applied Mathematics” (ACOMEN2025) in Ghent, Belgium.

The conference aims to provide an international forum to present and discuss the latest developments in computational and applied mathematics in various emerging engineering and mathematical fields. The main topics of the ACOMEN2025 conference include but are not limited to:
-Applied and computational mathematics
-Computational solid mechanics
-Computational fluid mechanics
-Computational material science
-Computational electromagnetism
-Computational natural sciences and biomechanics
-Data-driven and Artificial Intelligence applied to modeling
-Fluid-structure interactions and coupled problems
-High-performance scientific computing
-Inverse problems
-Machine learning
-New and emerging discretisation methods
-Numerical analysis
-Optimisation methods
-Partial Differential Equations
-Software for scientific computations
-Simulation of manufacturing processes
-Uncertainty quantification and stochastic modelling


Peter Bastian. Universität Heidelberg
Paul Bressloff. Imperial College London
Jerome Droniou. University of Montpellier
Jan S. Hesthaven. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Barbara Kaltenbacher. Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Michael Klibanov. University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Matti Lassas. University of Helsinki
Barbara Wohlmuth. Technical University of Munich

Scientific Committee

Michael Ruzhansky. Ghent University
Marián Slodička. Ghent University
Karel Van Bockstal. Ghent University
Christophe Geuzaine. University of Liège
Sorin Pop. Hasselt University
Enrique Zuazua. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


Mon.-Fri. September 15 – 19, 2025


Congress Center Zebrastraat
Ghent, Belgium

Abstract submission:

A mini-symposium is a session of at least four coordinated presentations on a single topic of substantial current interest in accordance with the scope of the conference.
You may submit your proposal by email (acomen2025[at] providing:
-tentative title
-contact coordinates of at least four speakers (regular participants may apply to participate in the mini-symposia).

See more at the official site of the event.

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Mon. - Fri. Sep 15 - 19, 2025


09:00 - 17:00