ERC Advanced Grant CoDeFeL project PhD & Postdoc positions in “Control and Machine Learning”, Erlangen (Germany) and Bilbao (Spain)
ERC Advanced Grant CoDeFeL project PhD & Postdoc positions in “Control and Machine Learning”, Erlangen (Germany) and Bilbao (Spain)
The “Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning, and Numerics – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (FAU DCN-AvH),” led by Prof. Enrique Zuazua, invites applications for one (01) PhD and two (02) open postdoctoral research positions at the ERC CoDeFeL, Control for Deep and Federated Learning project.
DEADLINE: Fri. August 30, 2024
Position Details
• Duration: Initially limited to up to three (3) years, with the possibility of extension.
• Starting Date: To be adapted to the availability of selected candidates (preferably on September 1, 2024).
• Salary: Competitive international annual gross salary following the German TV-L (E 13) scale.
• Location: The positions are based in Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany.
While the primary focus is on research, collaboration with the Chair activity and mentoring is encouraged.
See more details:
Check available positions at FAU DCN-AvH: https://dcn.nat.fau.eu/careers/
• FAU DCN-AvH Team
• About us – Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics at FAU.
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