ERC DyCon Postdoctoral open position 2021-2022
This call is OPEN NOW!
The Chair of Computational Mathematics at Fundación Deusto in Bilbao, Basque Country – Spain, led by Prof. Dr. Enrique Zuazua, is looking for candidates to fill a postdoc position at the ERC-DyCon Project to carry out mathematical and computational research, with excellent facilities within a world-wide academic and industrial-technological network:
Position: Postdoc in Mathematics
Contract: Full-time
Duration: 09 months from January 2022 (or earlier if availability allows)
Location: Fundación Deusto – University of Deusto (Bilbao, Basque Country – Spain)
Application deadline: July 29th, 2021
Places available: 01
Profile | Main Research fields
-PDE Control
-Numerical Analysis/Methods
-Data Sciences
Job details & Application
The European Research project DyCon: Dynamic Control coordinated by Prof. Dr. Enrique Zuazua at Fundación Deusto – University of Deusto, Bilbao – Basque Country (Spain) aims to develop a multifold research agenda in the broad area of Control of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and their numerical approximation methods to contribute with new key theoretical methods and results, and to develop the corresponding computational software. This project identifies six key topics:
- -Control of parameter dependent problems
- -Long finite time horizon control
- -Control under constraints
- -Inverse design of time-irreversible models
- -Memory models and hybrid PDE/ODE models
- -Links between finite and infinite-dimensional dynamical systems
The chosen postdoc researcher will carry out mathematical and/or computational research on some of the main scientific priorities of DyCon in a multidisciplinary and international environment with excellent facilities and world-wide academic and industrial-technological network at Fundación Deusto (Bilbao, Basque Country – Spain) in some of the priority lines of the project, that will be identified accordingly to the candidate’s profile.
Main Research Fields
-Partial Differential Equations
-Control Systems
-Numerical Analysis
-Scientific Computing
-PhD Thesis obtained or to be defended within 2021 in Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, Engineering or closely related areas, with emphasis on Partial Differential Equations, Control theory, Numerical Analysis and/or Scientific Computing
-Able to work in a highly motivated environment
-Strong team working & communication skills
-Good written English skills
-Driven, independent personality
We offer
A temporary contract in Bilbao at University of Deusto, within a stimulating work environment on a highly motivated multidisciplinary team. Possibilities to continue a research career depending on performance.
If you are interested in this position, please provide the following information through the application platform open for this call:
1. Cover Letter
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Brief research proposal aligned with DyCon objectives
4. Contact Information for two or three references
5. Complementary material
Fundación Deusto at the University of Deusto in Bilbao (Spain) reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the positions open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.
The Chair of Computational Mathematics pursues an active policy for gender equal opportunities.
Please Send us an email
TO: miren.arretxe@deusto.es
Subject: DyCon Postdoc 2021-2022
Don’t miss out the ERC – DyCon project page