FAU MoD Lecture: Applications of AAA Rational Approximation
Date: Wed. February 1, 2023
Event: FAU MoD Lecture
Organized by: FAU MoD, Research Center for Mathematics of Data at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Nick Trefethen
Affiliation: University of Oxford
This FAU MoD Lecture will have two sessions:
[Session 1] Main lecture (10:30H – 11:30H)Title: Applications of AAA Rational Approximation
(On-site / online)
Abstract. For the first time, a method has recently become available for fast computation of near-best rational approximations on arbitrary sets in the real line or complex plane: the AAA algorithm (Nakatsukasa-Sete-T. 2018). We will present the algorithm and then demonstrate a number of applications, including
• detection of singularities
• model order reduction
• analytic continuation
• functions of matrices
• nonlinear eigenvalue problems
• interpolation of equispaced data
• smooth extension of multivariate real functions
• extrapolation of ODE and PDE solutions into the complex plane
• solution of Laplace problems
• conformal mapping
• Wiener-Hopf factorization
(joint work with Stefano Costa and others)
By Prof. Dr. Nick Trefethen
This session will be a hands-on introduction to Chebfun, and it should be of interest to anyone who uses MATLAB. Chebfun starts from the idea of continuous analogues of Matlab operations: vectors are overloaded to functions and matrices to operators. The result is an appealing tool for all kinds of problems of rootfinding, quadrature, optimization, and ODEs.
If you wish to play along, bring your laptop and download the software in advance from www.chebfun.org or https://github.com/chebfun/chebfun/.
This is a hybrid event (On-site / online), open to the public specially students, researchers, academics and scientific community all around the world.
You can join us:
Room 04.363 Seminarraum Mathematik. Department Mathematik.
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
Cauerstrasse 11, 91058 Erlangen
Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 694 3141 3515 | PIN: 730757
Poster of the event
This event on LinkedIn
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// Photo of Prof. Trefethen by Sarah Bird
Nick Trefethen