FAU Spring School on “PDEs and Uncertainty”
What? “IntComSin” Spring School of the RTG 2339. PDEs meet uncertainty: New analytical & numerical concepts
When? March 15th to March 19th, 2020
Where? Tagungshaus Schönenberg, Schönenberg 40, 73479 Ellwangen, Germany
Contact? Email your CV to Mrs. Astrid Bigott
Organizer: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
About. In recent years, it became evident that including uncertainty in pde-models may enhance their predictive power. Uncertainty may enter the equations in the form of random coefficients as well as in the form of random force terms, the latter giving rise to stochastic partial differential equations.
- Benjamin Gess (MPI Leipzig & University of Bielefeld): “Stochastic thin-film equations with Stratonovich noise”
- Fabio Nobile (EPFL Lausanne): “Uncertainty quantification methods for PDEs with random input data”
- Andreas Prohl (University of Tübingen): “Adaptive algorithms to numerically solve SPDEs”