Henriette Herz Scouting Programme, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Outstanding Postdocs and Junior independent Researchers & Professors, become a Humboldtian!
The FAU Chair for Dynamics, Control and Numerics – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship has been selected “scout” of the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme a Sponsorship initiative by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to make our Humboldt Research network bigger in talent and diversity!
As scouts we have the opportunity to recommend three (03) research talents for a Humboldt Research Fellowship, if:
-You are a woman (you will be our first recommendation)
-You got your PhD within the last 12 years
-You are above-average publication record, commensurate with career level
-You have not undertaken post-doctoral research stays nor completed degrees/doctorates in Germany
-You are not holding German nationality
-You have good knowledge of German or English, depending on research proposal
-You have no previous applications submitted to the Foundation; no previous sponsorship in any of the Foundation’s fellowship programmes
-You should be available within 12 months of being granted
[Searched Profile]: Outstanding Postdocs and Junior independent Researchers & Professors (PhD Mathematics)
Looking for a Humboldt Research Fellowship?
How to Apply
Go to the Henriette Herz call to submit your application via web-form
*IMPORTANT: Only applications via web form will be considered!
Become a Humboldtian!
|| See all information at the Humboldt Foundation’s site: Henriette Herz Scouting Programme and Guidelines of the programme