Mathematical Opportunities in Digital Twins (MATH-DT) Workshop
Next Tuesday December 12, 2023 Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk on “Control and Machine Learning” at the MATH-DT, Mathematical Opportunities in Digital Twins Workshop at GMU, George Mason University on December 11-13, 2023.
This workshop brings together key experts working in many aspects of mathematics, key application fields, and industry with the goal to determine the ways in which mathematics can contribute to the research on Digital Twins and how Digital Twins can open up new mathematical directions, as well as to identify connections, synergies, and organizational efforts within the mathematical community, and to/with other disciplines.
Abstract. Control theory and Machine Learning share common objectives, as evident in Norbert Wiener’s definition of “Cybernetics” as “The science of control and communication in animals and machines”.
The synergy between these fields is reciprocal. Control theory tools enhance our comprehension of the efficacy of certain Machine Learning algorithms and offer insights for their
enhancement. However, this often bounces intricate queries back. Consider the control of a linear finite-dimensional system—as example. A sharp mathematical solution exists: it suffices to ensure the Kalman matrix’s rank is full. Yet, computing these matrices in high dimensions presents a new challenge. DeepMind has made remarkable contributions, introducing artificial intelligence solutions to the old problem of matrix multiplication. The interplay between Control and Machine Learning opens up a new captivating scientific landscape to be explored but this can become a labyrinthine task. And this is surely part of the overall ambitious program of developing Digital Twins technologies.
In this talk, we will present some of the contributions from our team at the interface between Control
and Machine Learning, which can modestly contribute to this noble and complex task.
Talk by Prof. Zuazua: Tue. December 12, 2023
Van Metre Hall. George Mason University (Arlington Campus)
3351 Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22201
Check location details
Speakers at the MATH DT Workshop
Check the program at the official page of the event
Registration form
MATHDT Registration form and deadlines:
-Regular registration deadline: November 10, 2023.
-For poster and demo sessions the registration deadline: October 31, 2023.
Financial Support is available (See registration page for details)
Organizing Committee
Harbir Antil (George Mason University)
Benjamin Seibold (Temple University)
Kathrin Smetana (Stevens Institute of Technology)
|| Check the program at the official page of the event