ODL: Introduction to Optimal Control and Machine Learning
On March 19 – 21, 2024, Prof. Enrique Zuazua will give a lecture Series on Introduction to Optimal Control and Machine Learning at the 5th Edition of the Open Doctoral Lecture Series organized by the UM6P’s VANGUARD Center in collaboration with Université Cadi AYYAD, University Côte d’Azur and GE2MI.
Abstract. In this series of lectures, we will introduce both Control Theory and Machine Learning (ML), one of the most vigorous areas of contemporary AI, emphasizing their close links:
In the first Lecture, we will adopt an historical perspective, describing their evolutionary impact, civilization after civilization.
In the second one we will discuss linear finite dimensional systems of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) ad introduce the classical Kalman rank condition and duality methods, linking controllability and observability.
In the third one we discuss the most paradigmatic Partial Differential Equation (PDE), the wave equation, underlining the link between the very nature of solutions and their control properties.
In the fourth one we will discuss numerical approximation issues, paying special attention to the impact of numerical dispersion on control.
In the fifth lecture we will analyze the problem of Supervised Learning in ML from the perspective of control.
In the last one we shall discuss several related relevant topics, pointing towards some open problems and perspectives for future research.
Public target: PhD students, postdoctoral researchers.
Tue.-Thu. March 19 – 21, 2024 at 10:00H to 13:00H (Berlin time)
Official event time: 09:00H UTC
Online: Zoom link
• Tue. March 19, 2024: Parts I – II
History and applications
Control of linear finite-dimensional systems
• Wed. March 20, 2024: Parts III – IV
Wave control
Numerics of wave control
• Thu. March 21, 2024: Parts V – VI
Machine Learning
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