SHU Course: Principles of AI for Control and Optimization
From this month, September 07th. to November 11th., the Shanghai University (China) is hosting the short course on “Principles of AI for Control and Optimization” by:
-Our Head Enrique Zuazua | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
–Jan Heiland | Max Planck Institute Magdeburg
–Timm Faulwasser | TU Dortmund
In 10 weeks, this extended short course introduces and discusses basic concepts of machine learning and how they relate to principles and applications of control and optimization theory.
-The first 4 weeks will be held given by Timm Faulwasser and team and focus on optimization aspects of the training of neural networks.
-The second part is provided by Enrique Zuazua and directed towards control of dynamical systems and how this aligns with the theory of supervised learning.
-The last part by Jan Heiland considers applications of neural networks for the formulation of control tasks.
The course is well suited for experienced Bachelor students, Master students and everyone who shares our interest in the connections of Machine Learning and control and optimization.
Weekly -every Tuesday and Thursday at 09:00H – 10:40H Berlin time (GMT +2) | Beijing time: 15:00 – 16:40
From September 07th to November 11th, 2021.
Starting on Tue. September 07, 2021
Take a look the official page of this course
The meeting link for every session can be found at the complete time schedule of this course
|| Material/resources can be found on the official page of this course
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Photo credits: TU Dortmund (Prof. Dr. Ing. Tim Faulwasser)
Jan Heiland
Timm Faulwasser