Summer short course (China): Control, Machine Learning and Numerics by E. Zuazua
This month, on July 09th. to July 26th., our Head Enrique Zuazua will give a course on “Summer short course (China): Control, Machine Learning and Numerics” organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China.
July 9th. to July 26th., 2021
SCHEDULE of the Course
(Recordings available courtesy National Tianyuan Mathematics Northeast Center.)
Time: 08:00H to 11:00H (Berlin time, GMT+2)
- Week 1. Fri. July 9, Sat. July 10
- Week 2. Wed. July 14, Fri. July 16, Sat. July 17
- Week 3. Mon. July 19, Tue. July 20, Wed. July 21, Thu. July 22, Fri. July 24
- Week 4. Mon. July 26
Watch this course (Live)
Missed a session of this course?
Find them all at our To Take Away section: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics
Recordings: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4
See official page of this summer course