Optimal design of sensors and actuators by E. Zuazua
On June 14th, our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk at the Theoretical and Numerical Trends in Inverse Problems and Control for PDEs, and Hamilton-Jacobi Equation: a French-Italian-Japanese Conference, organized from June 13rd to 17th at CIRM-Luminy, Marseille (France) in honor of Piermarco Cannarsa’s 65th. birthday.
This meeting aims to highlight the latest achievements of leading researchers from the French, Italian and Japanese mathematical communities in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, inverse problems and control theory, as well as younger researchers in the field, in order to discuss and disseminate the latest results and envisage new challenges. Its main purpose is to give an overview of the different aspects of these problems and the various tools employed for solving them, from both theoretical and numerical viewpoints.
The conference, in hybrid mode (online/on-site) will include about 35 main lectures of about 45 minutes each. Moreover, young researchers will be invited to participate in short talks and a poster session.
Fill out the registration form to attend this event (online / on-site)
Check the time schedule of the event
Check all details at the official page of the event.
Check all details at the official page of the event.