Towards a better description of sea states
Next Tuesday February 14, 2023:
Event: FAU DCN-AvH Seminar
Organized by: FAU DCN-AvH, Chair for Dynamics, Control and Numerics – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at FAU, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
Title: Towards a better description of sea states
Speaker: Dr. Susanne Støle-Hentschel
Affiliation: École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay (France)
Abstract. In the light of climate change, the understanding of the ocean environment is gaining importance. The oceans’ interaction with the atmosphere has an impact on the climate that is not negligible. Furthermore, the changing weather with more extreme events leads to more extreme sea states that have to be taken into account in the construction of marine and offshore structure. Today’s characterization of sea states has not been fundamentally updated for many decades although measurement capabilities have advanced significantly. This talk will summarize some of the flaws in the established analysis of sea states as well as ideas how to approach an update. The utilized techniques span a wide range including interpretation of (radar) measurements, wave statistics as well as physical understanding gained by mathematical modeling and simulation.
On-site / Online
Room Übung 4 | 01.253-128. 1st. floor
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Cauerstraße 11, 91058 Erlangen
GPS-Koord. Raum: 49.573639N, 11.030503E
Zoom meeting link
Meeting ID: 614 4658 159 | PIN code: 914397