W1 Prof. for Applied Mathematics at FAU -Open Call
The Faculty of Sciences at FAU – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg / University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, is looking for a top early career scientist with an internationally visible research profile in areas involving or related to partial differential equations, numerical and data analysis, stochastic optimisation, control theory or scientific computing and a strong interest in teaching.
Where: FAU – Department of Data Sciences at FAU. Cauerstr. 11 (03.315), 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Deadline for applications: September 15th, 2021
Starting at: Earliest possible
Positions available: 01
Searched Profile
The professorship research activities should complement the Chair for Dynamics, Control and Numerics at FAU and the potential of the institution in the broad field of Applied Mathematics. Candidates are expected to have proven their skills in interdisciplinary cooperation and become actively involved in the newly established Erlangen Center for Mathematics of Data (ECMD). The successful candidate will also be expected to teach introductory and advanced lectures in applied mathematics.
Successful candidates demonstrate initial academic achievements and the capacity for independent research at the highest international standards. You have substantial research experience abroad and/or experience in managing research projects and in raising third-party funding. A university degree and an outstanding doctoral degree as well as a passion for education and pertinent teaching experience are also prerequisites. Candidates who are able and willing to teach in both English and German are desired.
FAU expects applicants to become actively involved in administering academic affairs and in developing strategic initiatives. FAU pursues a policy of intense student mentoring and therefore expects its teaching staff to be present during lecture periods.
FAU offers career development, mentoring and an attractive initial research budget. Based on international standards and transparent performance agreements, FAU ensures a comprehensive and fair evaluation process.
In its pursuit of academic excellence, FAU is committed to equality of opportunity and to a proactive and inclusive approach, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture and values diversity. FAU is a family-friendly employer and is also responsive to the needs of dual career couples.
Submit your application
|| More information about this position by email to: nat-dekanat@fau.de