Discussion meeting | Waves: Propagation, numerics and control by E. Zuazua
From Tue. February 28 to Sat. March 04, 2023 our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk on “Waves: Propagation, numerics and control” as part of the “Control Theory meets Theory of Homogenization” discussion meeting organized by the Department of Mathematics at IIT Bombay, with multiple themes about the theory of control and homogenization.
For the discussion meeting Prof. Zuazua joint Prof. Castro will talk on Theme 1:
This concerns the question raised by Jacques-Louis Lions in “Exact controllability, stabilization and perturbations for distributed systems, SIAM Rev. 30 (1988), no. 1, pp.1–68.
This goes under the heading of Homogenization and Exact controllability in the context of wave equation discussed between pp. 55-60 of the above review paper. The major breakthrough came in the following works by Carlos Castro and Enrique Zuazua:
-Castro, Carlos; Zuazua, Enrique, Controllability of the one-dimensional wave equation with rapidly oscillating density C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 324 (1997), no. 11, 1237–1242.
-Castro, Carlos; Zuazua, Enrique Low frequency asymptotic analysis of a string with rapidly oscillating density, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 60 (2000), no. 4, 1205–1233.
-Castro, C.; Zuazua, E. High frequency asymptotic analysis of a string with rapidly oscillating density, European J. Appl. Math. 11 (2000), no. 6, 595–622.
-Castro, C. Boundary controllability of the one-dimensional wave equation with rapidly oscillating density. Asymptot. Anal. 20 (1999), no. 3-4, 317–350.
Prof. Zuazua | Schedule
Tue. February 28, 2023 (14:00H – 15:30H) Waves: Propagation, numerics and control
Wed. March 01, 2023 (14:00H – 15:30H) Waves: Propagation, numerics and control
Thu. March 02, 2023 (17:30H – 19:00H) Waves: Propagation, numerics and control
Sat. March 04, 2023 (16:00H – 17:30H) Waves: Propagation, numerics and control
On-site / Online (Bombay time)
Check the program of this meeting at the official page of the event