Winter school: Model Order Reduction Methods for Control and Machine Learning
On Monday February 26, 2024, Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk on “Control and Machine Learning” at the winter school Model Order Reduction Methods for Control and Machine Learning, organized at the UM6P, Université Polytechnique Mohammed VI on February 26 – 29, 2024 in Benguerir, Morocco.
Abstract. Control theory and Machine Learning share common objectives, as evident in Norbert Wiener’s definition of “Cybernetics” as “The science of control and communication in animals and ma-
chines.” The synergy between these fields is reciprocal. Control theory tools enhance our comprehension of the efficacy of certain Machine Learning algorithms and offer insights for their enhancement. However, this often bounces intricate queries back.The interplay between Control and Machine Learning opens up a new captivating scientific lanscaupe tp be explored but this can be a labyrinthine task. And this is part of the overall ambitious program of developing Digital Twins technologies.In this talk, we will present some of the contributions from our team at the interface between Control and Machine Learning that can contribute to this ambitious and complex task.
We will in particular discuss some neural network architectures, whose success for Supervised Learning can be understood from a control perspective and explain how their dimension and complexity can be minimized. We will also present some challenging open problems.
February 26, 2024 at 14:30H
Room Fatima Al Fihrya. UM6P, Université Polytechnique Mohammed VI
Benguerir, Morocco
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