FAU mathematician receives ERC Advanced Grant

Millions in funding for Humboldt Professor Enrique Zuazua

Another FAU researcher has prevailed in the competitive process for the Advanced Grants of the European Research Council (ERC): The mathematician and Humboldt Professor Dr. Enrique Zuazua will receive up to 2.5 million euros for his project “Control for Deep and Federated Learning” in the coming years.

Enrique Zuazua deals with, among other things, partial differential equations, control theory and numerics. These fields of mathematics aim, for example, to be able to better model and simulate processes that result from engineering sciences – in many particularly promising areas such as aviation and energy supply, but also in other disciplines such as social behavior. Prof. Zuazua’s research focuses on the analysis, control and computer simulations of these processes using mathematical techniques. This also plays a crucial role in predicting natural phenomena such as tidal waves, which is becoming increasingly important in view of climate change.

His project “Control for Deep and Federated Learning (CoDeFeL)”, which is now funded with the ERC Grant, is strongly inspired by the challenges that arise, for example, from applications in digital medicine. Machine learning heralds a new era in applied mathematics, leading to innovative and powerful methods. However, this raises fundamental mathematical questions. Enrique Zuazua wants to approach this challenge from the perspective of other, more intensively researched areas of applied mathematics – namely from the interface between control theory and machine learning. CoDeFel will thus contribute to the analytical foundations of machine learning methods and thus expand and update the scope of control theory.

You can read more about Zuazua and his research in this portrait of the mathematician, in the announcement about his being awarded the Humboldt Professorship (incl. video) and on the chair’s website in English.

|| Original article at FAU (German)

|| FAU-Mathematiker erhält ERC Advanced Grant (FAU Fak. Nat.)

||Article on Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art: Bavaria at the top nationwide: Eight excellent researchers from Munich, Erlangen-Nuremberg and Würzburg receive top European funding

|| Article on Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw): FAU-Mathematiker erhält ERC Advanced Grant: Millionenförderung für Humboldt-Professor Enrique Zuazua

* Photo: FAU/Kurt Fuchs. Humboldt-Professor Dr. Enrique Zuazua ist mit einem ERC Advanced Grant ausgezeichnet worden.