FAU DCN-AvH 01 #adventsKalender2023
Day 01. FAU DCN-AvH #adventsKalender2023
“If you truly love nature you will find beauty everywhere.
– Vincent Van Gogh”
Last month, FAU, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg interviewed our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua on “Beautiful mathematics for Artificial Intelligence” (Schöne Mathematik für Künstliche Intelligenz) that appeared at the FAU Magazin 2023/2024:
Schöne Mathematik für Künstliche Intelligenz
Check it out!
Find the English version at: FAU. Beautiful mathematics for Artificial Intelligence
At our FAU DCN-AvH, Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics – AvH at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) we are so excited to share our highlights of 2023 and turning on the machines to get ready for a new year!
Thank you for enjoy Mathematics and Research with us!
We hope you enjoy our FAU DCN-AvH #AdventsKalender2023!
#FAU #FAUDCNAvH #mathematics #xmas #AdventsKalender
Your FAU DCN-AvH team
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