Glowinski: Control, Numerics and beyond
On July 6th, our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua will tall on “Glowinski: Control, Numerics and beyond” at the international scientific Conference to honor the memory of Roland Glowinski from July 5th to 8th, 2022 organized by Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, in collaboration with Inria.
Abstract. Roland Glowinski made several contributions that revolutionized the field of numerical analysis and scientific computing for the Control of Partial Differential Equations and other related topics such as inverse problems and dispersive PDEs. This arose, to a large extent, along the long-standing collaboration that he developed in this area with Jacques-Louis Lions.
In this lecture we briefly present two of his contributions, describing the posterior impact they had. One of them refers to the unexpected violently oscillatory nature of the controls for heat equations he discovered numerically. The other one, to his fundamental remark on the need of employing bi-grid methods to exclude the high frequency spurious numerical solutions that are an impediment for the convergence of numerical methods for the control of wave processes.
Registration is free but mandatory. Fill out the registration form to attend this event.
Amphi 44, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, Sorbonne Université, place Jussieu, Paris 5ème.
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