On Problems of Dynamic Optimal Nodal Control for Gas Networks by M. Gugat
Date: Mon. Jan 11 – Fri. Jan 15, 2021
Event: 2021 Grid Science Winter School & Conference
Organized by: Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics at the University of Arizona (USA)
Title: On Problems of Dynamic Optimal Nodal Control for Gas Networks
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Gugat
Affiliation: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
Abstract. We consider optimal control problems for gas pipeline systems. The flow is governed by a quasilinear hyperbolic model. Since in the operation of the gas networks regular solutions without shocks are desirable, we impose appropriate state and control constraint in order to guarantee that a classical solution is generated. Due to a W^{2,infty}-regularization term in the objective function, we can show the existence of an optimal control. Moreover, we give conditions that guarantee that the control becomes constant a the end of the control time interval if the weight of the regularization term is sufficiently large.
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