Thesis defense by Talha Anwar
On April 20th Talha Anwar guest internship student at our FAU DCN-AvH Chair defended his Thesis:
“Flow and Heat Transfer of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids in Classical and Fractional Frameworks”, via zoom at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi Bangkok, Thailand.
Abstract. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate heat transfer and flow problems in classical and fractional frameworks. This dissertation is classified into three major parts.
Firstly, we studied flow and heat transfer phenomena in terms of standard differentiation based models. In the second part, fractional derivatives are individually applied to develop mathematical models. In the last part, comparative analyses are performed by simultaneously employing two fractional derivatives for the generalization of basic governing equations. In addition, a study is also conducted in terms of the fractal-fractional derivative. Several problems have been considered subject to different boundary conditions, for instance, ramped, slip, Newtonian heating, and uniform conditions and various fluids such as conventional fluids, nanofluids, and hybrid nanofluids. The geometrical settings of these problems involve vertical plate, inclined plate, and vertical channel. The Laplace transformation is applied as a solution finding tool, and in some cases, numerical Laplace inversion techniques are followed to anticipate solutions in the primary domain.
The influences of several mechanisms such as magnetic field, thermal radiation, shapes of nanoparticles, porous medium, heat sink/source, and relevant parameters like Grashof number, Prandtl number, and fractional parameters on temperature, velocity, heat transfer rate, and shear stress are examined via multiple tabular and graphical illustrations.
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