Workshop on Mathematical Data Science, Control and Optimization – Karl Kunisch 70th birthday
On Fall 2022, from September 30th to October 1st, 2022 our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk on “Dissipation and hypocoercivity for hyperbolic systems” as invited speaker at the Workshop on Mathematical Data Science, Control and Optimization in honor of the 70th birthday of Prof. Karl Kunisch organized jointly by the University of Graz and the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing – University of Graz in Graz, Austria.
This workshop aims to foster the development of new collaborations between researchers working in control and optimization and those working in potentially synergistic areas particularly mathematical data science.
Scientific Program
Check the information available from the official page of the event
Please fill out and send this registration form to mdsco20@uni-graz.at to attend this event.