Giovanni Fantuzzi

Giovanni Fantuzzi
W1 Professor | Senior Scientist
  Room 03.318 | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. FAU DCN-AvH Chair for Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship.
  +49 9131 85-67134
 FAU MoD profile

  My Publications at FAU-CRIS

I am a W1 Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg.

Before joining FAU, I held an Imperial College Research Fellowship in the Department of Aeronautics, where I also received a PhD and a Master Eng. in Aeronautics degrees. Alongside my PhD, I held a research position in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. I was awarded a Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Fellowship at WHOI (2015) and an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship (2018).

My work spans optimization, dynamical systems, fluid mechanics, and partial differential equations (PDEs). In particular, I seek to study nonlinear differential equations using a mix of mathematical analysis and numerical tools for convex optimization. I used this multidisciplinary approach to derive a priori scaling laws for heat transport problems and, more recently, to construct numerical schemes that provably approximate global optimizers of nonlinear PDE-constrained problems. I am also interested in developing fast algorithms for large-scale optimization problems with structure, especially conic problems and polynomial optimization problems.
 PhD Thesis: Construction of optimal background fields using semidefinite programming (May 2018)


• WS 24/25: Data-driven methods for dynamical systems
• WS 24/25: Polynomial optimization and applications
• WS 23/24: Data-driven methods for dynamical systems
• WS 23/24: Polynomial optimization and applications
• WS 22/23: Conic Optimization and Applications (lectures and exercises)
• WS 22/23: Mathematik für Ingenieure B1 (exercise class in English)


• #MLPDES25 Machine Learning and PDEs Workshop 2025 Data-driven system analysis: Polynomial optimization meets Koopman (Apr. 28-30, 2025. FAU)
IMC Seminar: Data-driven system analysis: Polynomial optimization meets Koopman (Oct. 30, 2024. UC Chile University)
CIN-PDE 2024 Poster: Clustering in Pure-attention Hardmax Transformers and Its Role in Sentiment Analysis (Albert Alcalde, Giovanni Fantuzzi, Enrique Zuazua) | see poster. Conference on Control, Inversion and Numerics for PDEs (Oct. 7-10, 2024 at Fudan University, Shanghai)
Oberwolfach Seminar: Polynomial Optimization for Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications (Jul. 28 – Aug. 02, 2024)
Moment-Sum-of-Squares relaxations for variational problems (May 13, 2024)
Aerodynamics & Control Seminars: Data-driven system analysis: Polynomial optimization meets Koopman (Oct. 19, 2023)
• FAU DCN-AvH Seminar Discovering scaling laws for heat transport with convex optimization (Nov. 10, 2022)

My posters

Clustering in Pure-attention Hardmax Transformers and Its Role in Sentiment Analysis

Event: CIN-PDE 2024 • Albert Alcalde, FAU DCN-AvH. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen–Nürnberg • Giovanni Fantuzzi, FAU DCN-AvH. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen–Nürnberg • Enrique Zuazua, ...














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