Some remarks on the Turnpike property -INdAM workshop

Next month on July 5th., our team member Martin Gugat will talk about “Some remarks on the Turnpike property” at the INdAM Workshop on Analysis and Numerics of Design, Control and Inverse Problems organized in a mix mode (on site at Rome and online -Zoom/Youtube).

Abstract. The turnpike phenomenon is a structural property or the solutions of optimal control problems that occurs if the optimal control problems have a certain structure which is often called dissipativity. A typical example are dynamic optimal control problems with tracking terms in the objective functional, where a certain desired state appears. Turnpike results give statements about the distance between the optimal trajectories and a certain static state (the turnpike). Often the turnpike can by found as the solution of certain static optimal control problems.

In this talk we comment about the finite-time turnpike phenomenon, which is also called exact turnpike, where the turnpike state is reached exactly after finite time. This situation occurs if non-smooth tracking terms appear in the objective functional Moreover we discuss the phenomenon in the presence of probabilistic constraints.



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A FREE registration form is available until June 29th. (required to participate in this event).

Check more details at the official page of the event

The event is finished.


Mon. Jul 05, 2021


10:40 - 11:15

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INdAM Workshop
