- World Scientific. Journal of Data and Dynamic Systems (Editorial board)
- ZAMP, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics / Journal de Mathématiques et de Physique appliquées). (Editorial board)
- Neural Networks (Editorial board)
- Geometric Mechanics (Editorial board)
- University Texts in the Mathematical Sciences
- The Royal Society
- Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models: Theory and Modern Applications (Editor in Chief)
- Communications in Optimization Theory (Editorial board)
- Turkish Journal of Mathematics, (Editorial board)
- Mathematical Control and Related Fields, (Editor in Chief)
- Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
- Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
- Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
- Numerische Mathematik
- Journal of Differential Equations
- Systems and Control Letters
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
- ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and the Calculus of Variations
- Scientific Reports, Mathematical Physics, Thermodynamics and Nonlinear Dynamics fields
- Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems
- Asymptotic Analysis
- Networks and Heterogeneous Media
- Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
- Pacific Journal of Math-for-Industry (PJMI)
- Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
- Portugaliae Mathematica
- International Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Optimisation
- Annals of the University of Craiova – Mathematics and Computer Science Series
- Computational and Applied Mathematics
- Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (EJMAPS)
- Palestine Journal of Mathematics
- Frontiers in Science and Engineering
- Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications
- Advances in Computational Mathematics; Modeling in Science and Engineering
- Moroccan Journal Pure and Applied Analysis
- Pure and Applied Analysis
- Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications” (NONRWA)
Book Series
- Books Series University Texts in the Mathematical Sciences, UTMS Series – Springer (Associate Editor)
- SpringerBriefs on PDEs and Data Science (Editor in Chief)
- Mathématiques et Applications
- Modeling, Simulation and Applications
- PNLDE Subseries in Control
- AMMA-Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics