• WS 24/25: Introduction to Control and Machine Learning
• SS 2024: Introduction to Control and Machine Learning
• SS 2023: CML: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics. Mathematical Theory/Foundations of Data Science. Scalar Conservation Laws. Tutorial to Wave Phenomena. Wave Phenomena.
• WS 22/23: Introduction to Control and Machine Learning. Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences. Transport Phenomena. Tutorial to Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences (Übung)
• WS 21/22: CML: Control, Machine Learning, and Numerics
• WS 21/22: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 1. Tutorial, Transport Phenomena
• SS 21/22: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 2
• WS 20/21: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 1. Tutorial

Course: Introduction to Optimal Control and Machine Learning
On October 21-23, 2024 Prof. Enrique Zuazua will give an online course on Introduction to Optimal Control and Machine Learning ...

100th Session. Seminar in PDEs and Applied Mathematics
Date: October 7, 2024 Event: 100th Session. Seminar in PDEs and Applied Mathematics On October 7th, Prof. Enrique Zuazua did ...

Course: Control and Machine Learning by E. Zuazua
Date: July 2024 Course: Control and Machine Learning Lecturer: Prof. Enrique Zuazua Recordings S01: Introduction to Control Theory S02: Introduction: ...

AI-based Diagnosis of Combustion Anomalies in Hydrogen Engines
Master Thesis: "AI-based Diagnosis of Combustion Anomalies in Hydrogen Engines" Author: Arun Sai Thunga Supervisor: Prof. Enrique Zuazua Date: June ...

ODL: Introduction to Optimal Control and Machine Learning
On March 19 - 21, 2024, Prof. Enrique Zuazua will give a lecture Series on Introduction to Optimal Control and ...

RACP2024: Recent advances in Control Theory of PDE systems
From February 12 - 15, 2024 Prof. Enrique Zuazua will talk on Inverse design for conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations ...

Synthetic Training Data Generation for Point Cloud Defects
Master Thesis: "Synthetic Training Data Generation for Point Cloud Defects" Author: Nishitha Yedalapalli Supervisor: Prof. Enrique Zuazua Date: January 29, ...

Analysis, control, and singular limits for hyperbolic conservation laws
Analysis, control, and singular limits for hyperbolic conservation laws Author: Nicola de Nitti Date: Monday July 24, 2023 PhD Thesis: ...

Machine Learning: Publisher Recommendation Model
Master Thesis: "Machine Learning: Publisher Recommendation Model" Author: Mohammed Quaidjohar Husain Supervisor: Prof. Dr. DhC. Enrique Zuazua Date: July 7, ...

Gradient Descent on Wide Neural Networks and Federated Learning
Master Thesis: "Gradient Descent on Wide Neural Networks and Federated Learning" Author: Gisele Stephanie Otiobo Supervisor: Prof. Dr. DhC. Enrique ...

CML: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics
CML: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics Professors: Enrique Zuazua, Yongcun Song Period: Summer Semester 2022/2023 Date: April to July 2023 ...

Course: Wave Phenomena
Course: Wave Phenomena Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2022/2023 summer semester Date: April - July 2023 Location: FAU ...

Course: Scalar Conservation Laws
Course: Scalar Conservation Laws Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, , Nicola De Nitti Period: 2022/2023 summer semester Date: April - July 2023 ...

Introduction to control and machine learning
Introduction to control and machine learning Professors: Enrique Zuazua, Yongcun Song Period: Winter Semester 2022/2023 Date: November to December 2022 ...

Course: Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences
Course: Mathematical Modeling in the Life Sciences Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2022/2023 winter semester Date: October 2022 ...

Course: Transport Phenomena
Course: Transport Phenomena Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2022/2023 winter semester Date: October 2022 - March 2023 Location: ...

Course: A Practical Introduction to Control, Numerics, and Machine Learning (IFAC CPDE 2022)
Practical course: Modeling, simulation, optimization Enrique Zuazua Daniël Veldman FAU DCN-AvH. Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) Period: Summer 2022 (IFAC CPDE ...

Course: Control and optimization for non-local and fractional differential equations
Course: Control and optimization for non-local and fractional differential equations Period: Summer 2022 (August 1st – August 12nd, 2022) Enrique ...

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization SS 2021/2022 (practical course)
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (practical course) Professors: Enrique Zuazua, Daniël Veldman Period: Summer Semester 2021/2022 Date: April 25, 2022 to ...

Course: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 2
Course: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 2 Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2021/2022 summer semester Date: April ...

Course: Scalar Conservation Laws
Course: Scalar Conservation Laws Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2021/2022 summer semester Date: April - July 2022 Location: ...

Course: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics (2022)
Course: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics (2022) Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Yongcun Song Period: 2021/2022 summer semester Date: April - July ...

Course: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 1
Course: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 1 Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2021/2022 winter semester Date: October ...

Course: Transport Phenomena
Course: Transport Phenomena Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2021/2022 winter semester Date: October 2021 - March 2022 Location: ...

Control, Machine Learning and Numerics -Course (China) by E. Zuazua (Complete)
Date: July 9 - 26, 2021 (4 weeks) Organized by: Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China ...

Summer short course (China) 4/4: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics by E. Zuazua
Date: July 26th., 2021 WEEK 4 of 4 Organized by: Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China ...

Summer short course (China) 3/4: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics by E. Zuazua
Date: July 19th. to July 24th., 2021 WEEK 3 of 4 Organized by: Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and ...

Summer short course (China) 2/4: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics by E. Zuazua
Date: July 9th. to July 26th., 2021 WEEK 2 of 4 Organized by: Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and ...

Summer short course (China) 1/4: Control, Machine Learning and Numerics by E. Zuazua
Date: July 9th. to July 26th., 2021 WEEK 1 of 4 Organized by: Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and ...

OCA’21 Online CIMPA School: Control, Numerics and Machine Learning by E. Zuazua
Date: June 28th to July 3rd, 2021 Organized by: CIMPA, UIR, Mines-Rabat, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Faculté de Droit ...

Workshop on Control Theory and Partial Differential Equations
Date: Mon. May 24, 2021 Organized by: Federal Fluminense University (Brazil) and supported by Rio de Janeiro State Research Support ...

FAU StudOn AG Neural Differential Equations, Control and Machine Learning
Date: Tue. May 11, 2021 Organized by: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Title: FAU StudOn AG Neural Differential Equations, Control and Machine Learning ...

Neural Differential Equations, Control and Machine Learning
Date: Mon. April 26, 2021 Organized by: DSAD - Data Science Across Disciplines, a research group within Institute for the ...

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization SS 2020/2021 (practical course)
Course: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (practical course) Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Daniel Veldman Period: 2020/2021 summer semester Date: April - July ...

Course: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 2
Course: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 2 Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2020/2021 summer semester Date: April ...

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization SS 2020/2021 (practical course)
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization (practical course) Professors: Enrique Zuazua, Daniël Veldman Period: Summer Semester 2020/2021 Date: April 12, 2021 to ...

Cafés Scientifique de la Culture: “Hire me, I’m a mathematician”
Date: Thu. March 25, 2021 Organized by: French-speaking Pole at UAM - Autonomous University of Madrid. Title: Hire me, I'm ...

Chaire Jean-Morlet 2021: Dynamics and Control of a guiding Model
Date: Mon. March 22, 2021 Organized by: Chair Jean-Morlet at CIRM - Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille Luminy, France ...

Unilateral bounds for nonlinear semigroups and time-inversion
Date: Mon. March 8, 2021 Organized by: Chair in Applied Analysis - Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Title: ...

Coloquio MTM UFSC: Inverse design for conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Date: Fri. March 5, 2021 Organized by: Department of Mathematics at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC - Universidade Federal ...

Open World PDE Seminar: Inverse design for conservation laws and Hamilton–Jacobi equations
Date: Tue. February 2, 2021 Organized by: One World PDE Title: Open World PDE Seminar: Inverse design for conservation laws ...

Master PDE course – Partial Differential Equations, Control and Numerics
Master PDE course – Partial Differential Equations, Control and Numerics 01 Introduction Historical Introduction Introduction Control Design 02 Finite-dimensional linear ...

Course: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 1
Course: Modeling and Analysis in Continuum Mechanics 1 Lecturers: Enrique Zuazua, Nicola De Nitti Period: 2020/2021 winter semester Date: October ...

Course: Partial Differential Equation, Control, and Numerics
Course: Partial Differential Equation, Control, and Numerics Lecturer: Enrique Zuazua | Exercise classes: Nicola De Nitti Period: 2019/2020 summer semester ...
Dissemination Notes
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Introduction. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Finite dimensional Control Systems. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Gradient-Descent Methods. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | GD-Controllability. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Optimal Control approach. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Machine Learning, Controllability. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Non-linear Control. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Turnpike, Control and Machine Learning. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Waves Control. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Numerics of Control. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Control, Machine Learning and Numerics | Collective Dynamics. Summer course organized by Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China and Jilin University China (July 9th. – 26th, 2021)
- Tips for a good SyG interview. Math AdG Panel Chair (2008-2010-2012) | SyG Panel (2028) | ERC AdG DyCon (2016-2021). SvG Interviews preparation. Madrid (July 2020)
- Hire me! I’m a Mathematician. XX Semana de la Ciencia (20th. Science Week) – UAM, Department of Mathematics 06.11.2020. Madrid (2020)
- Reaction-diffusion in Social and Biological Sciences: Dynamics and ResNet Control. 03.11.2020. Imperial College London (2020)
- Optimal Control and Design of Structures and Fluids – PPGMat/UFPB, Postgraduate Program in Mathematic. 01.10.2020. Brazil (2020)
- Turnpike Control and Deep Learning – IITK, Webinars on PDE and related areas. 08.09.2020. India (2020)
- Turnpike Control and Deep Learning – Fields Institute 2nd Simposium on Machine Learning and Dynamical Systems. 01.09.2020. Toronto, Canada (2020)
- Turnpike Control and Deep Learning. CMAI Colloquium Fall 2020 – 1st session by Enrique Zuazua. 28.08.2020. George Mason University, VA (2020)
- Control and Design for Fluids and Structures (2020)
- Dynamic control and inversion (2020)
- Kontrata nazazu: Matematikaria naiz | Contrátame: Soy matemático | Hire me: I’m Matematician (2018)
- Contratadme, soy matemático | Hire me, I’m Mathematician (2018)
- Las Matemáticas del Diseño Aeronáutico: Avances y Retos. CIC Network, 2, pp. 22-28 (2017)
- Matemáticas, Pasión y Profesión (2017)
- DyCon: Dynamic Control (2017)
- Filosofía: ¿Historia o historia inversa? (2016)
- Irakasten eta Ikasten (2016)
- Tips for a good proposal: A success B1part (Project Synopsys) (2015) ICIAM 2015, Beijing
- MIXTEMATICA, Mixtura Matemática (2015)
- Matematika: eguneroko tresna eta etorkizunerako bidea (2015)
- Les Mathématiques: d´efis intellectuels et utilisations quotidiennes (2014)
- Control and numerical simulation of conservation laws in large time horizons (2013)
- First IFAC Workshop on Control Systems Modeled by PDE (2013)
- Control and Numerical simulation in large time horizons (2013)
- Matemáticas: reto intelectual y usos cotidianos. Conference invited by the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bilbao (2013)
- Conference “Fluidoen eta egituren Diseinua” (english version) at “Jakin Mina” Cycle – Jakiunde (2013)
- “Jakiunde Ikastola” at “Topaketak” Cycle – Jakiunde, Bergara (2012)
- La visión de los investigadores (2012)
- Dynamic versus steady state control (2012)
- Practical aspects of the Evaluation Process in the Advanced Grant Programme (2012)
- Optimal placement of sensors, actuators and dampers for waves (2012)
- Control and Design for Fluids and Structures (2012)
- Control and numerics: Continuous versus discrete approaches (2012)
- Mathematics, the language of Science (2012)
- Topaketak Bergara (2012)
- BCAM: Ekimena eta Berrikuntza Ikerketa Matematikoan / Emprendizaje e Innovación en la Investigación Matemática (2011)
- Optimal design and numerics. Workshop on multi-scale and high-contrast PDE: from modelling, to mathematical analysis, to inversion. Oxford (2011)
- Control and numerics. Conference for the 60th birthday of Jacques Blum: Problémes Inverses: des Plasmas é l’Océanographie. Nice (2011)
- Some open problems in PDE control (2009)
- Matemáticas, Industria y Ética (2009)
- Ikerbasque Workshop – BCAM: views on research in Applied Mathematics in the Basque Country (2009)
- Hardy inequalities, heat kernels and wave propagation. Third Brazilian School of Differential Equations (IIIEBED) Sao Paulo, Brazil (2009)
- Waves, numerics, control, dispersion and dissipation (2009)
- IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA (2009)
- Neure ibilbidea eta lana | My trajectory and work (2009)
- Matemáticas: ¿Ciencia básica o camino al futuro? (2008)
- Seguimiento MTM2005 – Madrid 2008: MTM2005 – 00714 (2008)
- Encuentro con los Premios Nacionales de Investigación 2007 (2008)
- Wave propagation in Networks. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK (2007)
- Las Matemáticas en el Plan Nacional (2007)
- Homogenization and numerical approximation of elliptic problems (2006)
- Control, optimal design and numerics (2006)
- Dissipative wave equations: theory, numerics and optimal design – Numerical Analysis Seminar. (2006)
- Dispersive numerical schemes for linear and non linear Schrödinger equations (2006)
- Control, stabilization and numerics for partial differential equations (I) (2006)
- Control, stabilization and numerics for partial differential equations (II): The heat equation (2006)
- Control, stabilization and numerics for partial differential equations (III): The wave equation (2006)
- Control, stabilization and numerics for partial differential equations (IV): Open problems and future directions of research (2006)
- Control and Optimization. ICM2006. Presentation by Enrique Zuazua (2006) , ICM2006 postcards
- Matematika: Oinarrizko zientzia eta etorkizunerako bidea | Matemáticas: Ciencia básica y camino hacia el futuro (2005)
- Waves: propagation, dispersion and numerical simulation – ENUMATH (2005)
- Disspersive equations and numerical approximation – FoCM (2005)
- The system of thermoelasticity (2004)
- Hybrid systems of PDE’s arising in fluid-structure interaction and multi-structures (2004)
- Lack of collision for a simplied 1-d model for fluid-solid interaction (2004)
Lecture Notes
- Functional Analysis and Qualitative Theory of PDEs
- Controlabilidad exacta y Estabilización de la Ecuación de Ondas
- Asymptotic behavior of scalar convection-diffusion equations
- On the numerical approximation of exact controls for waves
- Symmetric discontinuous Galerkin approximations of 1−d waves
- Wave propagation and control in 1−d flexible multi-structures
- Time Asymptotics For Heat and Dissipative Wave Equations
History of Mathematics
- Historical Introduction
- Introducción histórica a la Teoría Matemática del Control
- Una introducción histórica al Análisis Numérico, el Control y su docencia
- Introducción al Análisis Numérico de Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales de Evolución
- Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales
- Flow control in the presence of shocks: theory, numerics and applications
- Métodos Numéricos
Complementary Material
- Minicours- Prof. Arieh Iserles (1/3): “Highly Oscillatory Integration and its Applications”
- Minicours- Prof. Arieh Iserles (2/3): – Lie-group methods in geometric numerical integration
- Minicours- Prof. Arieh Iserles (3/3): – On a Lie-Poisson system and its Lie algebra
- Practice_main
- Practice 1
- Practice 2
- Métodos Numéricos de resolución de Ecuaciones en Derivadas Parciales
- Controllability of Partial Differential Equations
- Cálculo Numérico II
- Exercises (Spanish)
- Métodos Numéricos: Propagación de Ondas