Limits of the stabilization of a networked hyperbolic system with a circle 1 Introduction In this post, we discuss the exponential stability of a networked hyperbolic system with a circle. In many applications, the graphs of these networks contain cycles, such as pipeline networks for gas transportation (see, for example, […]
Math Martin Gugat
Author: Martin Gugat, Enrique Zuazua, Aleksey Sikstel, FAU DCN-AvH Code: [HINT] To run the software on your computer, you may have to install additional standard software packages (like cmake and a c++ compiler) and additional libraries (lapack, PETSc). In order to optimize the operation of gas transportation networks, […]
pyGasControls Framework By Martin Gugat, Enrique Zuazua, Aleksey Sikstel In order to optimize the operation of gas transportation networks, as a first step a powerful simulation software is mandatory. The flow model from continuum mechanics leads to a nonlinear hyperbolic system of balance laws for each pipe. For the dynamics […]
Gas networks uncertainty and Probust constraints: model, distribution and optimization By Martin Gugat Gas transport and distribution systems are usually operating under complex pipelines network topologies which make possible gas flow over interconnected stations -nodes- and branches under a variety of conditions, especially large-scale gas infrastructures. As many applications contain […]
Convexity and Starshapedness of feasible sets in Stationary Flow Networks This research was funded by DFG in the SFB Transregio 154: Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization using the example of gas networks. Uncertainty often plays an important role in application driven modeling. This often leads to optimization problems […]