FAU DCN-AvH at #NdW22 Long Night of Sciences

Date: Sat. May 21, 2022 18:00H – 00:00H
Title: #NdW22 Long Night of Sciences (Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft)

On Saturday May 21th, 2022 the #NdW22 “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” (Long Night of Sciences) took place in Erlangen, Fürth, and Nürnberg and our FAU DCN-AvH, Chair for Dynamics, Control, and Numerics – Alexander von Humboldt Professorship participated with several activities:
• “Hire a Mathematician!“, a lecture by our Head Prof. Enrique Zuazua
A sheep herding game in which your task was to steer a herd of sheeps, programmed by Daniël Veldman with help of Tobias Wöhrer, Yongcun Song, Xu Huang, Lukas Wolff, Martin Hernandez, Nicola de Nitti, Ilias Ftouhi and Yue Wang)
A QR lab in which you could learn everything about QR-codes, by Jan Heiland
A poster on the uncertainties in European natural gas market, by Martin Gugat and Michael Schuster

The night was a great success and many people visited and participated in the activities we organized.


9UNI, NatFak und TechFak, Felix-Klein-Gebäude
Cauerstraße 11. 91058 Erlangen
1. OG, Room 01.251

Download the sheep herding game


Find this event at the official #NdW22’s page: Mathematik und Data Science / Vortragsprogramm || Optimale Steuerung einer Schafherde || Q-labo-R || Unsicherheiten beim Gastransport

Check the full program of the #NdW22 at FAU

FAU MoD #NdW22 Long Night of Sciences: Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen in China? Mathematik aus fernöstlicher Perspektive by Andrea Bréard

Check previous Long Night of Sciences at FAU’s website

SEE MORE: Official page of the Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (Long Night of Sciences)