CIN-PDE: Control, inversion and numerics for Partial Differential Equations

Control, inversion and numerics for Partial Differential Equations (CIN-PDE)

  • Project Nº: M-0548
  • Affiliated Entities: Fudan University (FDU, Shanghai), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU, Germany)
  • Supported by Sino-German Mobility Programme from Chinesisch-Deutsches Zentrum für Wissenschaftsförderung located in NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China) and DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/ German Research Foundation)
  • Duration: 2022 – 2025

This project shall bring together researchers from Fudan University and FAU working on applied mathematics problems related to the analysis of PDEs and associated questions such as dynamics, control, numerical approximation, or inverse problems. It will serve as a fundamental step towards constituting a dynamic long-term cooperation agenda between the involved groups and institutions with regards to research, teaching and training of young researchers. Both sides offer a unique and scientifically excellent environment for these activities in the key areas of applied mathematics as mentioned before and will profit greatly from each other’s expertise and resources. The interactions between the groups shall include coordinated and cooperative research activities, interpersonal visits and stays, shared training of young researchers, and international workshops. This proposal builds upon previous collaboration between researchers from Fudan University and FAU involved in this project, going back for almost 20 years, whose success with regards to research achievements and shared training of young researchers and PostDocs is a strong motivating factor for establishing a systematic and coordinated cooperation platform and strategy between the participating groups.

Principal Investigators

Manager/ Contact person

Peng QU(Fudan,

People involved at FAU (Germany)

People involved at Fudan (Shanghai)

• Prof. Li Tatsien
• Prof. Yi Zhou
• Prof. Zhiqiang Wang
• Prof. Yunxin Zhang
• Prof. Xi Chen
• Prof. Jian Zhai
• Prof. Peng Qu
• (PhD) Wancong Yao



CIN-PDE 2024. Conference on Control, Inversion and Numerics for PDEs
CIN-PDE 2023. 1st. Edition of the Workshop on Control, Inversion and Numerics for PDEs

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