Course: Control and optimization for non-local and fractional differential equations
Period: Summer 2022 (August 1st – August 12nd, 2022)
I. Introduction to Control Theory
• Lecture 1: Introduction to Control Theory
• Lecture 2: Introduction to Control Theory
II. Non-local in time models
• Lecture 3: ODE and ODE with memory
• Lecture 4: Fractional calculus and fractional-in-time ODE and PDE
• Lecture 5: Control theory for fractional-in-time ODE and PDE
III. Non-local in space models
• Lecture 6: The fractional Laplacian
• Lecture 7: The fractional Laplacian in non-local PDE || Lecture 8: The fractional Laplacian in non-local PDE
• Lecture 9: Control theory for PDE involving the fractional Laplacian || Lecture 10: Control theory for PDE involving the fractional Laplacian
IV. Numerical approximation of PDE and numerical control
• Lecture 11: Introduction to the numerical approximation of PDE and numerical control
• Lecture 12: Introduction to the numerical approximation of PDE and numerical control
• Lecture 13: Numerical approximation and control of wave equations
• Lecture 14: Numerical approximation and control of fractional PDE
V. Complementary topics
• Lecture 15: Turnpike Theory
• Lecture 16: PDE with non-local integral kernels